21/10 - Stockholm, SWE

Uno Eriksson
1984 just south of Stockholm
Tama Drums and hardware, Zildjan Cymbals and
promark sticks
Helloween, Maiden, Masterplan, In Flames, and hundreds more.
It’s broken if you can’t fix it with ducttape
History in Twins Crew: Started in August 2007… history is yet to be written!
Previus Bands:
S.p.i.t. & AbSug… a long time ago
Favorite Food:
As long as it’s not moving by it self I’ll eat it.
Cars, woorking out
Favorite Album:
oh… tricky one, I think Blind Guardian – Live.
Best gig memory:
I have hundreds of great ones… but when we sold out the ”Baamhakke-bar” in the German alps 2009 on our first tour there will stick on my mind forever!